

Hi! How do you do? So I'm not that great at doing this sort of stuff but I'll try my best. So my name is Summer, and I'm seventeen. Despite my name, I was ironically born in the winter. I have a wide range of interest, so I apologize beforehand for the randomness on this blog. But for whatever reason you're here for feel free to enjoy.

So how did this melting pot blog come to be? Well I've never blogged before (unless you count reblogging a hundred posts on tumblr a day blogging). Actually I decided around the beginning of this year (in fact on my birthday eve) that I wanted to start my own online blog and so I made one. So that's why I kept my username plain and simply, a slur of my full name. So, I guess this blog is a work in progress. So to the professional and experienced bloggers out there: help me out!

So that's about it for now, bye!

(gif credits to original owner!)

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