
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A painfully obvious first post…

Hi there. So before jumping into book reviews and other posts I decided to do my first post. I’m a first time blogger and thought perhaps the first blog post should be a few things about me that are not found on my About page.

So I’m seventeen and still currently in high school. I have a part time job for my father at a nail salon (yup, I do nails!). I enjoy reading many different genres including fantasy/paranormal, sci-fi, historical fiction, and (any other type of) fiction. I am a reader that does not dog-ear her books nor highlight. I enjoy jogging and running (but only outside, I’m a pretty shy and self-conscious girl and the thought of a gym makes me shudder). I have an appreciation for art (even though I’m not great in it myself). I also watch quite a lot of Asian dramas (Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, you name it). I’ve recently been introduced into anime and manga (and I believe I like the shoujo anime/manga the best). I also am into music. I’m interested in alternative and American rock, but I have to admit I like K-pop even if I can’t understand them. And I’m a true foodie (I love trying new food, and recently became Vegetarian about two years ago). Well that’s about it.

So like I said, this is my first blog, and I’m pretty openminded, so I would appreciate any feedback or criticism to help improve my blog. Thank you for stopping by!

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